Thursday, November 12, 2009

Poets in hoodies

This news item only reeeeally applies to Rare DJs, so if you're reading this and you ain't one you're allowed to stop reading 'round about now... (...but we both know that you love reading these little missives, so of course you're going to continue reading.)
women hoodies
First up, Rare FM women hoodiesare on now available. Now I know what you're thinking - 'Society hoodies, how lame' - which is exactly what I thought. Turns out though that they're actually quite snazzy an' that. A good colour, quality design and fuzzy insides. There's also the added bonus of them not being personalised, so not only do you not have to come up with a ridiculous nickname before you buy one, you might even want to wear it too.

They cost £20 and are available in Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. To get your grubby little mitts on one, i.e. to let the rest of the world know that you were broadcast to the entire world that one time, rock on down to the Rare FM AGM at 2 p.m. Wednesday 11th March, in the Darwin Lecture Theatre. (That's where we also go about the not so trivial process of having an AGM too.)
women hoodies
Secondly, Rare FM is now on Twitter. Check your email inbox for the login details and start letting the world know about stuff. (In a responsible manner of course...) There's a widget now displayed near the bottom of the Rare FM homepage which should instantly update with anything what you write. Ain't we lovely?

Hay is a strange sort of literary festival: on my first day here I listened to a film director, Stephen Frears, and music impresario, Tony Wilson. Both may have written books, but it's not what they're known for, or what their audiences wanted to hear about.

The former Factory record boss, who recorded Joy Division, New Order and the Happy Mondays, was here to publicise his new hip-hop group, RAW-T. The four rappers, who appeared alongside him on stage, represent a particularly literary form of popular music, he claimed. "Their life is about writing, it is about a piece of paper and a pen, they are poets."

Wilson was his usual provocative self, articulate and pretentious: in one sentence he compared himself to the enthusiastic Pierre Bezukhov, who is thrust into the nobility in Tolstoy's War and Peace, and the Hollies singer and "Salford lad" Graham Nash.

His protégés were less forthcoming. Initially shy, the three teenagers and one 20 year old warmed up a little when talking about their music, though the scene still resembles an embarrassing dad asking his offspring about Eminem over Christmas dinner.
women hoodies

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